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Row # 1
CriticalSettings.com (tm) is a convenient and useful tool for storing confidential information for the products and services that you use or manage. The program assumes you are a Tech Savvy individual or a person who is often called upon when tech help is needed. If you are ever referred to as that 'computer guy' or 'computer girl', then this program is for you. While this application supports a Robust Pre-Formatted Database, No-Coding is required to benefit from the numerous built in and powerful features. This product was designed primarily for the small or independent operator. Larger firms wishing to privately use our framework can inquire here. NOTE! Javascript must be enabled in your browser for proper and complete operation. |
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Row # 2
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Row # 3
The first order of business is to visualize and understand the structure of this utility software. There are basically three tiers (or levels) to our system. Each TIER (or Level) is the PARENT of the Information stored below it. You can not get to a lower level tier without first going to the PARENT record. Some people find the FAMILY tier system a better way of visualizing our environment. Think of: GRAND-PARENT ---> PARENT ---> GRAND-CHILDREN |
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Row # 5
(1) - This is your HOME PAGE or DASHBOARD. You'll be returning to this page often. (2) - You may Search 'other' member's accounts if they have made them available. You'll use the search window below to change your search request. (3) - Your personal Logged In account id is highlighted in BLUE. Your Client's accounts are highlighted in BROWN. (4) - Sometimes you'll want to start over again. This option allows you to do just that. (5) - Please read the included message for this item embedded in the image. |
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Row # 7
This Screenshot depicts 2 features that are often overlooked by most users. (1) - This dropdown menu offers you the ability to view and manage your Subscription, a Change Password option if you should need it, a Contact Support option and a quick way to Log Out. This full set of options is available only from the Dashboard (Home Page). (2) - The Search option allows you to enter an Account ID for the Search window. Some people find it easier to just scroll through the list to find the ID they want. In either case, the magnifying glass icon (in the little Browse Window) will still have to be clicked to select the account in the database. Note: When you login to the system with your own Account Credentials, the Primary Login Acct. ID and the Search Acct. ID will be Your ID. Therefore no additional search is needed if you only need to work with your own records. That is the DEFAULT action. |
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Row # 9
(1) - This #1 main menu option leads you to the entry and viewing of the Top Tier level of your personal input or your client's input. (2) - This Admin Profile page shows the option to ADD NEW. If clicked, this will advance you to a screen that will accept your new input. (3) - Your specific record is considered a "Parent Record". From your parent-record you can create a number of TOPICS (Products/Services) sub-records. (4) - This option show icons that are available to EDIT or VIEW this current parent record. |
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Row # 11
Please note that there are 3 database tables that you primarily interact with. They are the Main Profile Table, the Topics Table and the Attachments Table. They can not all fit on one screen at a time. Therefore the tables will be displayed in a horizontal manner. (1) - Your top table is considered the Master Table. This item is pointing to the LINK that will lead you backward through the program. Users often miss this link. Try using it often. (2) - Here again we see the ADD NEW button. Remember, this button allows you to Add a New record to the table (below) the button. In this case, that's the Topics Table. (3) - Each Topic Record can be marked as PRIVATE or SHAREABLE. A creator of the record can always see/edit their own records but other visitors can not see certain confidential info contained in this record. (4) - This arrow is pointing to the additional information that can't be seen because there is simply too much data. Use your browser's horizontal scroll bar to view additional info. |
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Row # 13
This screen shows fields that were too far right to view in the previous screenshot. Please note that this table contains fields that are HIDDEN due to the current PRIVACY status. Generally, only the creator or partners of the creator can view this hidden data. If the creator of these records changed a record's status to SHAREABLE, then acceptable visitors could also view the hidden data. |
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Row # 15
These two fields represent the heart of CriticalSettings.com. This is where you can enter important settings or other free hand comments. This is a safe and secure place to enter helpful tips for yourself or your clients (if you have any). These 2 blocks of text can be used in any manner you wish. You'll figure out later what works best for your data management. Try to keep your comments short and to the point. Also remember, these settings can only be seen by you and people you list as 'trusted'. NOTE: The screen shown here is just a partial screenshot of the full Edit page. IMPORTANT ALERT! BLOCK-1 AND BLOCK-2 DATA IS COMPLETELY ENCRYPTED WHEN STORED TO THE SERVER. THEREFORE, PLACE YOUR MOST CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTO THESE FIELDS. You have a maximum of approx. 500 (free hand) characters that can be entered into each of these two critical data entry areas. |
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Row # 17
This informational tip shows how the status setting of the 'parent' record affects the visibility of the 'child' record. Check out items marked as (1) and (2). The following tip shows this same record with the Current Status marked as 'Shareable'. |
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Row # 19
As the previous tip explains, this record's status has been changed (3), and this affects the 'child' record. Notice here that the 'hidden' image is now visible (4). Not all records require an image, but when you find it useful, you'll have full control as to who can see it. Remember to keep your image and file sizes to less than 400K. Much less if possible. Currently, ATTACHMENTS are for IMAGES(bmp, jpg, png, gif) and FILES (txt, rtf, doc, docx, pdf). Uploaded Images are generally immediately viewable on-screen while Files normally require a download and a review in an appropriate parent program. |
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Row # 20
You've probably heard the phrase "Garbage In - Garbage Out!" If you are a Tech Savvy person, you surely know what that phrase means. We will not try to explain it here. Just keep in mind that your database is as smart as YOU MAKE IT. In this screen shot example, the creator made 3 Postal Delivery records very smart because he used the word(s) Postal Delivery in several key areas of the data records. Note that later he is able to search for the records he wants because he simply enters "postal" into the upper bar search field. Then clicking on the search icon (ie. magnifying glass). The result of the search are shown in "RED". Bottom line, you can use your own style to "pepper" the data with key words so that later you'll remember those phases and can perform an effective search. |
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Row # 21
We will now examine a related Search feature called FILTER. At the top of most columns there is a drop down button that will cause a drop down option box to appear. |
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Row # 22
This option box will contain a number of valid choices that you can make to Filter your entire record-set to ONLY INCLUDE the choice or choices that you make. Obviously all your records remain unharmed however you'll now be able to view ONLY the record(s) that meet your choice criteria. Thus - your FILTER. This type of filter is done by a column by column basis. If you make smart choices in what you place in columns, you'll be able to make smart choices in researching your records later. |
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Row # 23
In this case, we have selected the option "Transportation". And as expected, the only record that appears is the one marked as "Transportation". If you had more records similarly marked, they would also appear in your list. Note that the 'drop-down' button has turned into a GREEN FILTER ICON. That filter will stay active until you perform some other action that turns it off or until you move to another part of the program. You can also simply turn it off manually by selecting the GREEN FILTER ICON again. You may have more than one filtered column at a time if you wish. You'll need to stay mentally sharp to understand the results that you get. The results are combined (if possible). |
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Row # 24
Now that we have been talking about some column related features, the next 2 records will continue on with some valuable information concerning SORTING. You may sort a column (alphabetically) by simply clicking on the column name. |
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Row # 25
Please note that the records are now sorted by the Product/Name column. A secondary click will sort the records in the opposite direction. There's nothing magical here however being able to sort a large number of records can be very useful. Sorting can be combined with FILTERING to give you a picture of your desired records in an arrangement that makes sense to you. |